Saturday, 14 December 2013

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Of things unseen...

I went to a Travel Writing class. It was good.
But too much like journalism.
You need to vividly describe what you see.

But who- then, will describe what you can’t see?

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Se les observa melancólicos afuera – en grupo,
Escurridizos. Bajo la lluvia, incluso-
Apretando un tubito blanco que saca humo.
Jalando con la boca.
Tanto humo les cabe en los pulmones.
En la cabeza.

La mayoría triste.
Por quién sabe qué cosa.

Añorando algo que todavía no se saben.
Algo, cualquier cosa.

Viven solos – acompañados, pero solos.
Incapacitados por ellos mismos.
Como caminantes somnolientos.
Por sí mismos.

Se saben de memoria tonterías.
¿Quiénes son?
De veras no lo saben ellos mismos.
Se emparejan porque pueden.
Se implementan situaciones, rutinas, impertinencias, boberías, aburriciones, miedos.
Se callan sus verdades, sueños.
Los descartan con miedo- como a arenas movedizas.
Se encarcelan, se castigan, se enloquecen- viejos.

La vida es para ellos apretada –
Bien de prisa.
Se la pasan dando vueltas, como niños –
A la ronda – porque sí – no por nada.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Memento Mori

It’s like I can’t see.
Not like that- anymore.
It’s like when one grows up, one of the senses dies out.
I remember shadows having substance- shape.
Hours had meaning- sense.

Like another dimension.

All seems so… superficial now.
There’s that other world – of things unseen.
Where reason has little voice, but is always – awake.
Perhaps as a question.
Memento Mori.
Because everything spoke of death – somehow.
Of lives afterwards, of spirits, of memories of those who’d lived.
The walls kept echoes – voices – sighs.

You can still feel it inside the house – a sense of mystery – of memory not lost – of things once felt.
But everything is quiet now – subtle – almost not real – almost imagined.

Spirits have gone to sleep – and the clock tic tacs meaningless hours, pointlessly reminding me that even though invisible – that world IS.

And sometimes the memory of us will also be, even if we’re not.